About The Chronicles of Borghal!
I’m Borghal. Pleased to meet you!
My name is Christian F. Orellana, but online I’ve used the name Borghal for years.
I’ve been passionate about computers and video games since I was a child in the 80s. Now I’m lucky to work as a data analyst at a video game studio. Like a dream come true!
But life is not just data and video games. I also love to write, share, to experiment. So this blog is a little bit of that: a sandbox for me to express ideas, share stuff, and learn new things.
I hope you’ll find something that interests you here. Please, feel free to look around, read, comment, and react. Let’s talk!
Where can you find me?
I exist online in many places:
- The Chronicles of Borghal!: of course, I’m here!
- hda.zone: I run my own single-user Mastodon instance. All the notes I post there get reposted here, too!
- LinkedIn: for professional things.
- Google Scholar: I was into academia in my past life.
- MobyGames: My videogame credits.
- Twitter: I used to be on Twitter. You know, when it wasn’t a dumpster fire.
The Chronicles of Borghal!
This blog is created with Hugo. I developed the theme myself (can’t you tell?), but it’s just a bunch of Bootstrap 5 components. A Jenkins process running on a EC2 instance builds the blog and pushes the build to AWS S3 regularly.
What is a Borghal?
I took the name from a character that briefly appears in The Sandman: Borghal Rantipole. The Borghal Rantipole was a nightmare that Morpheus gave to Delirium to accompany her on a quest. Delirium later transforms Borghal into a fish because she’s so clever.

The Borghal Rantipole, from The Sandman #66. Written by Neil Gaiman, art by Marc Hempel, Richard Case, Daniel Vozzo, and Todd Klein. Copyright by DC Comics.