
Me: I'm playing for the crafting mechanics.

The crafting mechanics:

I like how Marvel Snap gives you a little recap at the end of each season.

I watched the ball drop on CNN this year. I thought the whole thing was pretty gay. So, seeing a gay couple kiss right after midnight was in line with the rest of their programming that night, in my opinion. Of course, I didn't even think people would lose their shit over a kiss. I forget the times we live in.

Anyway. Happy New Year!


CNN airs interracial gay kiss on New Year's Eve, and bigots are raging

CNN has riled up homophobic bigots after sharing a joyous gay kiss on New Year's Ever just seconds after the ball dropped to kick off 2024.

Maine rivers reach historic high levels.

• Heavy rain and snow melt cause Maine rivers to rapidly rise, with some reaching record highs and others forecasted to do so.
• Rivers including the Androscoggin, Swift, Presumpscot, and Saco experience major flood stages and near-record levels.
• The Kennebec River in Hallowell and North Sidney are expected to reach record high and second highest levels, respectively.


Maine rivers reach historic high levels

Some rivers were still rising Tuesday morning

Puzzle #157

That was tough!

Puzzle #156

I don't know if I'm getting better or if today's puzzle was really easy. I got it pretty fast for a change!

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