Life Itself
Blogging Is So 2005. I Love It.
I decided to start a blog in 2022. Here are some reasons why.

The halcyon days
I have good memories of 2005; Gorillaz was playing on iPods everywhere. Batman was beginning. We all wanted to know how Ted Mosby met the mother. And I was writing a blog.
Back then, my friend Leniar hosted my blog. Even though my first blogging attempts happened on MSN Spaces, it was in “The Chronicles of Borghal” where it all started.
In the beginning, the blog was powered by SimplePHPBlog. Then I wrote another version from scratch in PHP, using XML files to store the entries. But by 2007, the blog was running on WordPress, and the name was “The Renewed Chronicles of Borghal.” Maybe there was a 2.0 somewhere in the title, too.
The entries were all about my “random thoughts and everyday trivia,” as I used to say back then. It was sharing a slice of my life, leaving a little trace of my history on the web, where I could find it maybe many years later.
What I miss the most about those days are the connections that writing in that blog facilitated. I met many amazing people and made good friends.
But then I changed, my life changed, and after a while, I stopped writing. I moved to a different country and started living as my authentic self, out of the closet. Slowly, I lost the old connections and didn’t start many new ones.
My friend Pollo el Magnífico, whom I met through my old blogs, and I started a new website during this time: “Hijos del Átomo.” It was a successful collaborative effort that opened doors for me in my professional life. Many great writers contributed to that site, and I’m very proud of what we did. But it wasn’t a personal blog. It didn’t have that “run by its owner” feel.
With an exclamation mark
This brings me to this blog. I’m starting anew with some nostalgia for the old days. I want to connect with people in a way I can’t on social media. Sharing new random thoughts and daily trivia on the precipice of another significant change in my life –more on that later.
I also miss the tinkering. The learning. The breaking and fixing, the adding and removing. Running a blog is about the writing, but it’s also about the backend. And I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get back to learning all of that, too.
So here it is, “The Chronicles of Borghal!” With an exclamation mark this time. Born of the longing for meaningful connections. As an experiment on continuous learning.
You’ll find slices of my life here. Thoughts, experiences, learnings. Hopefully, you’ll find a sense of community, too. Stick around, and you may see how this blog evolves and morphs into something else entirely. Or how it continues to be the same. Who’s to say? We never know where life will take us, and I don’t know where this project will end.
It’s a new beginning.