
Wordle 611

611 4/6


That was a fun one!

Wordle 610

610 4/6


Repeated letters again! That was hard!

Wordle 609

609 5/6


Oh, repeated letters again! 😡

Wordle 608

608 4/6


Repeated letters always throw me off!

Wordle 607

607 4/6


When I get a yellow letter I usually try to find its correct position in the following attempts. This time I went for the strategy where you try to find more letters first. So, in each attempt I didn't use any of the letters in the previous attempts. By step 3 I had all 5 letters of the solution. It was fun, I may keep trying to play this way in the future!

Wordle 606

606 4/6


Still can't sleep, though.

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