Attention, friends!

Did you see the latest with adaptations of works by @neilhimself published by ? Check it out! It has work by , @ColleenDoran, and more!

Plus, all the content is , so you can read it on any device you want, and it's yours to keep forever.

Did I tell you part of the proceeds go to charity? It's a win-win!


Jak Charlton

@borghal @neilhimself @ColleenDoran I even bought it. Great stuff, Shame graphic novels are so hard to read on phones


@borghal @neilhimself @ColleenDoran I picked up the Neil Gaiman Humble Bundle last night, so excited to start reading it!


@borghal @neilhimself @ColleenDoran I saw it. I gave them my money. They gave me nothing back. When I time, I'll try to get what I paid for


@borghal @neilhimself @ColleenDoran

Do remember to adjust the hidden sliders though by default the charities get the smallests slice - even with the "Extra to Charity" option.

Michael Moran

@borghal @neilhimself @ColleenDoran oh amazing will definitely check this out.

Found something more interesting in my first minute on Mastodon than in ages on Twitter.


@mikejamoran This is awesome; I'm glad your experience here has been good!

@neilhimself @ColleenDoran

Skeptical Pilgrim

@borghal @neilhimself @ColleenDoran I have gotten so many great comics from Humble Bundle over the years. I think the Terry Moore bundle is again available right now. Surprisingly I find digital a really good format for binge reading a comic series.

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