Another #Maine thing I kinda knew but I had forgotten, is the statewide ban on single-use plastic bags. The first time I went to the grocery store I had to buy reusable bags because I didn't have any. The second time, I forgot my bags in the car so I had to go back and get them. The third time I remembered my bags as I was walking into the store. So I guess next time I'll remember to carry them from the start!

Borghal :verified_gay:
@Realeggs a small price to pay, for sure! It's just a habit I need to develop. I also love not having plastic bags all over my house after every trip to the store!

Paul O'Brien
@borghal I have a collection of 9 nice cloth bags because I kept forgetting them so I bought new ones. Now I keep 4 in the truck and 5 'just in case' in the house. Of course I have to remember to put the ones from shopping back in the truck which means my collection will grow.