It's happening today! Though we moved to our new home during the weekend, our stuff arrived today from NC. And it's a lot of stuff... We're pulling everything in the garage while we get our floors done in the house, so it will be a while before we're truly "moved in."

We're closing on our new home today. We will start moving the stuff we have with us during the weekend, and then next week, we'll get our things delivered from the storage unit in NC.
It's been too long, but it's finally happening!
Pictures will follow soon.
Under contract
I haven't written much lately. The search for a home continues, but now we are on the precipice of getting it done.
We are under contract. We were under contract before, but that house didn't pass inspection, and we backed out. Now we're under contract again, and this is a new construction, so maybe it'll be fine this time?
So I'm excited. Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. Or, you know, a house. For us. Cozy. Comfortable. Private.
I can't wait.