Life Itself
We're Moving to Maine
Time for our lives to be the way they should be.

My husband and I liked to dream about moving. It was a recurrent subject of our conversations during many shared meals. Would you like to move to Scotland? How about New Zealand? We would often daydream about packing up our house and leaving. Back then, it wasn’t much more than a dream.
But then things changed.
Not suddenly. It was a slow change. Trump’s government and the pandemic rushed things along. The decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade was the final straw. Worried that marriage equality could be next in line, we decided to move back to the state where we got married in the first place. Maine.
It also helped our decision that my job allowed me to work remotely. Without any other ties to this state, why stay?
Additionally, the pandemic showed me how truly alone we are in this state. We don’t have many friends, barely talk with our neighbors, and don’t have a support network here. In Maine, we have family that we can rely on when needed.
With my citizenship process finalized, all of our energy goes into planning our big move. Ed has already started packing; half of our home has been full of boxes for weeks. A representative from the moving company is coming this week to give us a quote. We even have a tentative date: the first week of the new year.
We have yet to get a house in Maine. We are still determining exactly where we’re going to live. We have some ideas of towns we like, and we know which ones we don’t like. We plan to stay with family in Portland while we make our final decision on where to buy. We want to spend time in different towns and experience what they have to offer before we make our choice.
I’m stressed about the whole situation but excited at the same time. I can’t wait to see where we end up.
I’ll make sure to publish pictures.